Consider the difference between, “I don’t know how to do this” and “I don’t know how to do this yet.” Or compare the thought, “I’m not a good photographer” with “I’m not a good photographer yet.” Finally, what if you replaced the thought, “I failed” with “I’m not there yet.”

“Yet” focuses on future potential instead of present limitations or setbacks. That implied room for improvement is the cornerstone of a growth mindset.


People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence, ability, and talent are cultivated. They believe they can become smarter, more skilled, or more capable through time and effort. Skills are not set in stone—they’re more malleable, like clay. What you’re good at reflects where you’ve invested your time and energy.

Here are some expressions you might hear from a person with a growth mindset:

  • I bet I can figure it out.
  • I just need to practice.
  • I'll do better next time.
  • Let me try a different way.
  • What am I missing?
  • How can I improve?
  • What can I do differently?
  • I'm not there yet - but I'm getting better.


People with a growth mindset believe that the brain is like a muscle that can be trained. Talent can be developed through consistency, practice, and exercise.


1. Notice and challenge your assumption.

  • Do you consider yourself inherently good or bad at anything?
  • Why do you feel that way?


2. Nix the negative thought.

  • Pay attention to the voice inside your head. Can you replace the negative self-talk with positive affirmations?


3. Track your progress.

  • What do I know how to do now that I didn’t know how to do then?
  • Reflecting on how you’ve changed and progressed over time can help you believe that skills are cultivated.


4. Value learning more than succeeding.

  • People with a growth mindset see every challenge, setback, and failure as a learning opportunity.
  • Instead of focusing on negative feedback as a sign of failure, value it as an opportunity for development.


5. Try it anyway.

  • Even if you don’t believe that you can develop your intelligence or talents yet—try it anyway.
  • Start small and begin taking on new challenges.



Developing a growth mindset can make you feel more empowered and in control of your career, capabilities, and outcomes. A growth mindset fosters thoughts and beliefs that cultivate grit, resilience, and self-efficacy—all of which contribute to professional success. It encourages you to persevere when pursuing a goal, facing a challenge, or experiencing a setback.

A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop your abilities through hard work, strategies, input, and help from others. —Professor Carol S. Dweck, Stanford University Author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success